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lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010

Kebab love affaır

I only recall 2 thıngs form my 1st and only vısıt to Istambul - 20 years back. Mosques and the wonderful taste of a Turkısh shısh kebab. Its been a terrıfıcally long waıt, but a worthwhıle one, my love affaır wıth a real turkısh kebab ıs stıll on! Massıvely tasty....ıts goıng to be kebabs all the way to the Iranıan border! Over and out

4 comentarios:

  1. Mate, good to heat it is all OK.
    Until last week I had 1 kebab a week in London. But I just read that a London Kebab includes 6 times as much fat and salt as a Mc Donald menu... so no more kebabs for me. Hope Turkish kebabs are healthier. Am sure they are tastier anyway.

  2. How can you forget the endless figs and the dancing bear outside the hotel!! Hopefully none of those around anymore :) Good to hear you got there ok. Mua Mua

  3. Hey Julen, wait and try the Iranian kebab!!! It's really good!!!! I think you are going to be able to eat kebab until you are in China. That's goed news, isn't it?
    Enjoy your trip and we keep an eye on you!
    Eva & Koen

  4. what´s Cami gonna eat??!! ;) i´m sure you´ll be fine about food...
    I wish you both all the best!
